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Moving on..
I've decided that since my parents and I visited many historical sites, and I took oodles of pictures, I'll just share a different place in each post I do. Without having a post solely for that purpose.
Walnut Canyon:
This was a site with cliff dwellings. Not only was it cool to see how the Native Americans built their homes in the nooks of the canyon, but the view was spectacular. I only wish that my phone would have been able to capture how beautiful it really was.
I feel sorry for the people who lived there... my head is almost hitting the ceiling.. |
If you're ever near Flagstaff, Arizona, you really should check it out!

Cool! I've always wanted to see one of the famous canyons, preferably The Grand Canyon, but I live on the East Cost, so there are not any were I live.
The Grand Canyon is to come :)