You know what I say about yesterday's topic about something you've read online? I say... who cares. What I care about is what I watched at the movie theater. STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS. MY GOODNESS THAT MOVIE WAS AMAZING AND PERFECT AND SIMPLY THE BEST MOVIE (Other than 42, but they're in different categories so it's ok) OF THE YEAR. LIKE... IF YOU DIDN'T LOVE IT....THEN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT AN AMAZING MOVIE IS.
I am such a Sci-Fi geek. I will not apologize for my zealousness.
Topic of the day: A letter to your readers.
Dear Readers,
I don't even know where to begin. I don't deserve to have y'all as a part of my life, yet here you are reading my sloppy writing style and learning about my messy, crazy life. I call myself blessed to have you. Especially the loyal ones who support me when I'm down, and cheer me on when things are going great. It means so much. Thank you. Thank you for putting up with my rants, break downs, and over excitedness. This blog is a life source for me at times, and to know that I have real life friends and virtual friends here to support me? Well that rocks.
I have one more subject my heart is telling me to touch on.
Memorial Day.
I don't know anyone personally who gave their life for my freedom, but I am honored to know many men and women who are currently serving or have served in the past. Both of my grandfathers fought in WWII. One of them even lost his eye. Two of my brother-in-laws serve. One in the Air Force on those huge C5 cargo planes, delivering cargo to hostel areas. And the other in the Coast Guard, keeping the mainland safe.
I wanna say thank you to everyone who has, and still does risk their lives so I can have better life. I also want to thank the families of those people, your sacrifice is great as well. You are in my prayers.

I love Star Trek :) I'm dying to see the new movie!
ReplyDeleteThank heavens for the strong, brave men and women who fight for our freedom! I look up to them SO much!
Oh my gosh is was awesome! You MUST see it!
ReplyDeleteMe too :).
Looking forward to seeing Star Trek, since Abrams is a great director and Cumberbatch is awesome. Have you seen Iron Man 3 yet? It is my favorite movie of the year thus far.
ReplyDeleteThank God for the brave men and women who fight to keep our country free and safe.
I have seen Iron Man 3, and as much as I loved it... Star Trek: Into Darkness was better. Just my opinion :).