I'm one whose been labeled as boy crazy more than once. I sorta resent that, because when I think of "boy crazy" I picture a girl who either has a new boyfriend every week, or at the very least just always has a boyfriend. I would say that I'm neither of those things. I mean, yes, I am very good at spotting an attractive guy in a crowd, and am always at some level on the lookout for one, but y'all, come tomorrow, I will have been single for entire year. Coming from a girl who had a boyfriend for two years, and has been called "boy crazy" countless times, I'd say that's a pretty big accomplishment.
I have a feeling that I'm gonna be single for a few more years before God brings the right man to me, but hey, it doesn't hurt to know what you want... does it? Now, along with what I talked about in this post, I realized something yesterday. The only kind of man I'd be able to stand spending my life with, would be a country boy, grown to man.
Someone whose accustom to hard work and the results of it. Someone who isn't going to spend all of his free time playing video games or trading cards... there are very few larger turn-offs in my mind y'all.
Not that the out-ward is most important or anything, but there's nothing like a man who dresses in wranglers, beat-up cowboy boots, country button-downs, and a cowboy hat.
Y'all there's just something about cowboys, like the real ones (as long as they don't chew...) that gets to me. My dream man. mmhm. Obviously I'll trust God, and love whoever He gives me, but a girl can dream right?
What would your significant other be like if you could design him/her ?

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